NJM Blog
The Flop Shot
Learn the keys to this valuable shot that can shave strokes off your handicap.
Staying Safe While Working in the Summer Sun
Learn what you can do to prevent heat exhaustion and other heat-related illnesses.
8 Red Flags When Choosing a Contractor
Tips on how to identify and avoid contractor scams by recognizing red flags.
Common Restaurant Claims and How To Avoid Them
Tips to create a safety-conscious work environment to help reduce the risk of a workplace injury.
Why Am I Pushing Shots With My Irons?
Before tinkering with your swing, assess your positioning when addressing the ball.
9 Reasons Why Golf is Good for the Mind, Body, and Spirit
Why are there over 25 million Americans actively playing golf? Learn about the personal benefits that accompany the challenge of golf.
Keeping Your Employees Safe While Traveling
Precautions employees can take to ensure their safety on a business trip.
The Top Ten Hazards for Warehouse Workers
Tips for business owners to help keep employees safe.
Playing Under Pressure
Taking steps to handle pressure can improve your game and lead to memorable moments on the golf course.
How To Prevent a Needlestick Injury
Tips to prevent needlestick injuries, including implementing a comprehensive Bloodborne Pathogens Program.