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9 Reasons Why Golf is Good for the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Drone photo of golf course with trees in distance.

Spending free time wisely can have a positive impact on how you manage day–to–day responsibilities. Playing golf will occupy a healthy share of free time, and can provide benefits that are physically, mentally, and emotionally rewarding.

Here are 9 reasons why golf is a recreation with benefits.

9 — Finding Peace in Scenery

Spending time amidst rolling hills and sun–soaked fairways with majestic views can be relaxing and therapeutic. A few hours in outdoor open space can offer perspective in “not sweating the small stuff.”

8 — A Constant Challenge

Whether you’re a beginner or a scratch player, golf is a constant challenge. When you think you have the game figured out, it will humble you. Challenge sharpens your focus, stokes creativity, and tests your resolve.

7 — Friendships

Many great friendships have been established or embellished on the golf course.

6 — The Power of Positive Thought

Successful athletes use positive visualization to enhance performance. Golf teaches you to think about the shot you want to hit, rather than picturing errant shots. As Jack Nicklaus once said, “Positive thoughts breed positive results.”

5 — Physical Activity

The average distance players walk during a round of golf is over five miles. Even when driving a cart, players walk an average of one mile per round. Stretching and swinging the club loosens the muscles and can reduce physical tension. Fresh air also benefits the respiratory system.

4 — Creative Thought

Each hole offers an opportunity to develop a strategy and adjust that plan based on performance. Most daily routines are predictable, but a round of golf is anything but predictable and forces you to think creatively.

3 — The Importance of Practice

Golf emphasizes the importance of practice. Even the most gifted players will struggle to maintain their level of performance if they stop practicing. Most professions — salespersons, writers, entertainers, carpenters — require practice and repetition to maintain and improve their craft.

2 — Dealing with Failure

Mistakes occur regularly on the golf course and force you to practice self–control, troubleshoot, and focus on what is next. Failures happen in all facets of life and golf can help train you in how to respond effectively.

1 — Golf is Ageless

You can begin playing golf when you’re a child and continue to play competitively throughout your life. There are very few sports where players can improve with age, but many who enjoy golf can claim they’re a better player in their 40s and 50s than they were in their 20s and 30s.

NJM, a leading property and casualty insurer in the Mid–Atlantic region, is proud to partner with the golf community. Contact your agent or broker, visit njm.com/njsga, or call 833-859-1920.