Tips To Reduce Common Causes for Workers’ Compensation Claims

In 2022, the most common causes of injury on the job were:
Falling, slipping, or tripping
Lifting (overexertion and bodily reaction)
Being struck or injured by another person
These incidents most often led to strains, contusions (bruises), and lacerations (scrapes and cuts), and are the top workers’ compensation claims reported year after year.
Here are some quick tips for reducing these injuries at your business:
Falls, Slips, and Trips
Develop a “clean as you go” discipline to reduce clutter and maintain good housekeeping.
Immediately address all spills with “wet floor” warnings and prompt cleaning.
Install warnings or railings on or near steps and raised surfaces.
Use shelves and storage containers to keep clutter off floors.
Use a deicer to remove ice from walkways during the winter.
Train employees how to properly lift heavy or unwieldy objects:
Warm up by stretching and doing light exercises.
Stand close to the object and face the direction you plan to move.
Establish a wide stance and plant your feet.
Tighten your abdominal muscles and tuck your chin into your chest.
Bend your legs — not your waist.
Keep your arms straight and initiate the lift with your body weight, not your arms or back muscles.
Lift the object close to your body, smoothly and without jerking.
Avoid twisting or bending while lifting.
Take additional steps to reduce back injuries.
Workplace Violence
Establish a Threat Assessment Team.
Conduct a workplace security analysis and hazard assessment.
Consider the design of the business’s building, workstations, and public areas.
Train employees in recognizing potentially hazardous situations.
Instruct managers and supervisors in making necessary changes to work practices, controls, and procedures.
Create standards for incident reporting, investigation, follow–up, and evaluation.
Overall, your business can become a safer place if you establish a Safety Committee. More information about safety committees is available at The Key to Forming an Effective Safety Committee and NJM’s Safety Articles archive.
Internal NJM Workers’ Compensation Claims data
NJM Safety Program Guide (2020).
Top work–related injury causes (2020). National Safety Council.
Traumatic occupational injuries (July 26, 2022). National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The information contained in this article should not be construed as professional advice, and is not intended to replace official sources. Other resources linked from these pages are maintained by independent providers; therefore, NJM cannot guarantee their accuracy.