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How To Winterize Your Car

How to Winterize Your Car

Winter can be unpredictable and tough on your vehicle. To make sure drivers are prepared for the wintry weather ahead, NJM has put together a list of essential tips to keep you safe:

  1. Get Your Car Serviced. Get everything checked before it gets too cold. This includes ignition, brakes, filters, tires, battery and anti-freeze. If you have four-wheel-drive, make sure it is working properly and that you know how to use it correctly.

  2. Create an Emergency Preparedness Kit. Keep the following emergency preparedness items in your trunk at all times: blanket, flashlight, spare tire, shovel, ice/snow scrapers, jumper cables, and a bag of salt for dealing with ice. Check out our comprehensive guide for creating a winter emergency kit.

  3. Prepare for an Emergency Situation. If you find yourself in an emergency situation, know what to do. Turn on a warning light or light flares and hang a brightly-colored cloth from your antenna to alert passersby and emergency vehicles of your location. Do not wander too far from your vehicle and keep one window slightly opened as heavy snow can seal a car shut.

Save the infographic below for easy reference! For more emergency planning essentials, check out our blog: 10 Things You Should Always Have in Your Vehicle.

How to Winterize Your Car