Carli Lloyd Dishes on Eating Like a Champ!

Carli Lloyd Dishes on Eating Like a Champ

March is National Nutrition Month, so we thought it might be fun to find out what a World Champion athlete eats to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You might be surprised to find out that it’s not just kale and quinoa.

Carli Lloyd, longtime NJM policyholder and two-time Olympic Gold Medalist, World Cup Champion and FIFA Women’s World Player of the Year, was gracious enough to answer some burning questions that we had — like what’s in her fridge? Read on to find out the answer to that question, and more!

NJM: So, Carli, We know that you never repeat your workouts, but do you ever repeat meals, like eating the same things every day? Or is it important for you to switch up your foods?
CL: I usually eat the same thing at breakfast and lunch, such as a salad, and switch up what I have for dinner each night. Some days, I make myself two eggs over-easy with a side of avocado, or oatmeal with strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. Otherwise, I’ll keep things light and make myself a green smoothie. My go-to ingredients are water, ice, spinach, kale, pineapple, cinnamon, green grapes, juice squeezed from half a lemon, avocado, kiwi, ginger, and mint, which really make a smoothie good.

NJM: What are some of the healthy “staples” that you always keep in your fridge or pantry?
CL: Nuts, granola, yogurt and lots of fruit!

NJM: Do you avoid any specific types of foods for health or training purposes?
CL: Well, I rarely eat carbs, like pasta, pizza or bread, or fried, greasy foods. They just don’t make me feel good. But I do enjoy stopping at my favorite pizza place in Philly!

NJM: Pizza, huh?! How often do you indulge, and what’s your favorite indulgence?
CL: Only every now and then, and only in moderation. And I’d have to say cupcakes and cookies!

NJM: Do you like to cook? What is your specialty dish?
CL: I love cooking! It’s hard because I’m not home very often. But when I am, it’s fun to cook different recipes. I make some good baby back ribs and stuffed peppers! And we always grill fish, chicken and steak on the charcoal grill.

NJM: Lastly, what nutrition advice can you give to busy people when they’re on the go?
CL: Just try to find clean, healthy, fresh places to eat!

So if you want to eat like a champion athlete, perhaps Carli’s advice is helpful. Okay, maybe you won’t ever score a hat trick in a World Cup final (including one goal from mid-field!) but at least you’ll be healthier in the long run.

Special thanks to you, Carli, for letting us "eat up" some of your time. Can you send us some of those ribs?!