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Rules and Etiquette on the Green

Golf is played by approximately 25 million people in the United States. That‹s 8 percent of the population!

Those 25 million golfers represent a wide range of experience, skill level, and fervor. There are golfers who are hooked on the sport, play regularly, and shoot par. There are also recreational golfers who play occasionally for fun and hope to par at least one hole during their round.

What is unique about public golf in the U.S. is that the two extremes — the most fervent golfer and the most laid-back golfer — can play a round together on any given Sunday. Talent can be irrelevant in terms of everyone enjoying themselves, provided each golfer is familiar with and follows the rules and etiquette of the game.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you’re out on the course.

  • Make sure you’re loose and ready to play when your tee time is called.

  • At the tee box, stand in an area outside of the peripheral vision of the golfer teeing off.

  • Don’t talk or make noise when a golfer is addressing their ball.

  • Walk at a reasonable speed between shots. The player whose ball is furthest from the hole takes the next shot.

  • While other players are taking their shots, stand by your ball with your club in hand so you’re ready for your turn to hit.

  • If you take a divot with your shot, replace the turf or fill it with the soil/seed mixture provided by the course.

  • On errant shots, you have three minutes to search for your ball, according to the USGA Rules of Golf. If you can’t find it, take a penalty stroke, drop a new ball, and continue play.

The putting green is the most important area of the course to practice etiquette. Why? It’s a confined area where everyone assembles to finish each hole. Follow these basic rules and etiquette on the green to ensure everyone enjoys the round.

Rules and Etiquette on the Green

It’s important to respect the rules of golf while on the course. It’s equally important to follow safety rules in your workplace. Learn how NJM Insurance Group can help. Contact your agent or broker, visit njm.com/njsga, or call 833-859-1920.