NJM Staff Attends Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) Conference

In June, members of NJM's Commercial Lines and Marketing Teams attended the 2019 Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) Conference in Atlantic City, NJ. The PIA Conference gives insurance professionals an opportunity to network and attend educational sessions on a variety of insurance-related topics.
PIA is a voluntary, membership-based trade association representing professional, independent property/casualty insurance agents. The annual conference is hailed as the biggest insurance exhibition in the Northeast.
In addition to hosting a booth at this year’s trade show, NJM was proud to sponsor three Special Olympics athletes participating in the Young Insurance Professionals (YIP) Fun Run. Several NJM team members enjoyed running in the 5k race, which has raised over $3.9 million for Special Olympics New Jersey over the past 35 years!
NJM is a leading property and casualty insurance in the Mid-Atlantic region. The Company offers commercial auto and commercial general liability (CGL) insurance in New Jersey, and workers’ compensation insurance in New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania.
Did you know that NJM accepts commercial lines new business applications from brokers? Learn more about how to submit business to NJM by contacting your local Business Development Representative. For an updated NJM broker packet, contact Lauren Vescio at lvescio@njm.com.