NJM Donates $50,000 to Charity from DNT TXT N DRV Initiative

On February 21, NJM Insurance Group donated $50,000 in recognition of its DNT TXT N DRV (Don't Text and Drive) program. Last year as part of its centennial celebration, NJM collected signatures from people who promised not to text while driving.
For every pledge received, NJM agreed to donate $1 to be shared among the following five New Jersey charities: Autism New Jersey; The Community Food Bank of New Jersey; Make-A-Wish New Jersey; National Multiple Sclerosis Society, New Jersey Metro Chapter; and Special Olympics New Jersey.
The goal of 50,000 signatures was achieved late last year, and on Friday the five organizations each received a check for $10,000 from NJM.
"Our Don't Text and Drive campaign had the dual benefit of promoting safe driving habits while helping to support five very worthwhile organizations," said Mike Van Wagner, NJM vice president of public affairs.
NJM started operation in 1913 as safety-oriented, regional carrier for workers' compensation insurance. As the Company grew to offer personal auto insurance, along with coverage for homes and business vehicles, an emphasis on safety has been a consistent guiding premise.
Forty-one states, including New Jersey, prohibit text messaging while driving.
Front row from left: Ellen Schisler, Director of Development and Marketing, Autism New Jersey, Robbinsville; Patricia Hartpence, Assistant Vice President, Corporate Giving, NJM Insurance Group; Richard Uniacke, Director of Marketing, Community FoodBank of New Jersey, Hillside; Diane Paraskevas, Special Events & Corporate Accounts, Special Olympics New Jersey, Lawrenceville; Karen Drzik, Executive Vice President of Development, National MS Society, New Jersey Metro Chapter, Paramus.
Back row, from left: Todd Shellenberger, Vice President of Development, Make-a-Wish New Jersey, Monroe Township; Lou Alcuri, Promotions Coordinator, NJM Insurance Group; Mike Van Wagner, Vice President, Public Affairs, NJM Insurance Group; Jim Roberts, President, National MS Society, New Jersey Metro Chapter, Paramus.