How Businesses Can Benefit From Their Local Chamber of Commerce

Small businesses make up the largest membership segment in local chambers of commerce. Chambers work to further the interests of businesses through advocacy, networking opportunities, and various other member benefits.
Here are some ways membership with a local chamber of commerce can benefit your business:
Acts as your advocate
Chambers act as the business community's voice, and they keep members informed on relevant public policies and legislation.
Provides professional development
Most chambers hold regular meetings and offer training and development sessions designed to teach you or your employees new skills or improve existing ones.
Creates networking opportunities
Chamber membership enables you to meet fellow professionals in other industries who may become potential clients.
Offers marketing opportunities
You can take advantage of your chamber’s reach and large following. Consider following it on social media and include relevant chamber posts on your page.
Generates customer referrals
When chambers receive calls from individuals or businesses seeking particular products or services, they will recommend appropriate chamber members.
Gives your business exposure and publicity
Listing your business in chamber publications highlights your products and services within the community.
Brings credibility to your business
Customers view chamber members positively and are more likely to purchase from those businesses.
Facilitates discounts
Member businesses often offer discounts to other chamber members.