NJM Blog

Fire Pit Safety

Fire Pit Safety

There's nothing quite like a fire pit in the summer — the natural piney smell, the crackling logs, the bright embers floating into the night sky. And don't forget about the gooey and delicious s'mores! We want to make sure there's nothing stopping you from enjoying every moment of your fire pit from start to finish. Check out these tips for fire pit safety:

  1. Be sure to place your fire pit in the ideal location, at least 10 feet from your house, trees, or other flammable objects. It should sit on a level surface such as stone, concrete, or brick.

  2. Use dry, seasoned wood and make sure the logs don't hang over the edges of the pit — that could make for a bad accident or hazard to those moving around the fire.

  3. When it comes time to light the fire, never use lighter fluid, gasoline, or kerosene. These can be extremely unpredictable and sudden, catching people nearby off guard and opening up the possibility of flash fires. Instead, opt for kindling such as small sticks and twigs. You can even turn it into a game for the kids, challenging them to run around the yard collecting all the sticks they can.

  4. While you're enjoying the fire, make sure an adult is around at all times to monitor the flame and keep it safe — and also keep it lit! Stay at least three feet away from the heat and teach children to keep their arms, legs, and bodies away from the fire.

  5. When it's finally time for s'mores, make sure to use roasting sticks long enough to keep your body safely away from the fire. It's extremely important that children are not left alone to cook their own summer treats.

  6. After the fire begins to fizzle out and the children are ready for bed, make sure to cool the fire correctly. Throwing water on the flame may not be enough to quell it completely. Inspect it afterwards to look for any remaining glow and carefully pour water over any bright spots, making sure the fire is completely extinguished before heading inside.

With these tips you'll be able to create, manage, and put out a fire safely while still enjoying every moment of marshmallow-roasting and fireside conversation.